a Função do Contrato Social no Ambito Juridico
Palavras-chaves: Liberdade. Limite. Contratar. Partes.
Abstract: This paper aims to conceptualize and talk about the social function of contract, providing for what comes to contract and its legal status. In Brazil, the social function of contract gained prominence with the promulgation of the Constitution in 1988. Currently the contract as the property must meet the social function within the limits imposed on freedom of contract, as presented in Article 421 of the civil law. One of the main principles underlying the contract is the freedom to contract, however, note that such freedom is limited to the function of the social contract. So the contract will comply with its social function, when you answer the collective interests, especially since the contract could bring social consequences when violating the precepts of public order and cause injury to either party.
Keywords: Freedom. Limit. Contract. Parties
Sumário: Introdução. 1. Do contrato. 1.1 Aspectos históricos. 1.2 Contrato como negócio jurídico. 1.3 Conceito e validade. 2. Função social do contrato. 2.1 Aspectos históricos. 2.2. Aspectos Gerais. Conclusão.