a efetividade do direito a saude mediante intervenção do poder judiciario
Carolina Fernandes Martins
Health right is constitutionally protected and has fundamental status, which means, in the social justice context, that it is owed to everybody because of their human condition. In the alarming social problems context and in face of the State’s material impossibility to warrant it in an universal and satisfactory way, becomes of great relevance in the actual juridical scenery the judicialized medicine, especially because of the excessive number of lawsuits in the pursuit of health right effective.
From an analyze of the historic-constitutional evolution of the health right and of all its inherent concerns, such as the separation of powers, social justice, public revenue limitation, basic needs e worthy life, we aim to establish the possibilities and limitations for the Justice Power intervention on the public policy of this nature, which, a priori, are from Legislative and Executive Powers competence. Obviously, it is necessary the stipulation of the parameters for the medicines concession, when they are owed, in a way that they can be consistent with the State’s reason and the
Common Good.
Keywords: Fundamental Rights. Health Right. Public Revenue Limitation. Social
Justice. Separation of Powers. Basic Needs. Common Good.
O estudo de direito constitucional é tarefa instigante, esclarecedora e elevadora do espírito, especialmente no que diz respeito aos direitos fundamentais, em virtude da vasta gama de teorias e autores, das diversas ciências envolvidas
(filosofia, direito, ciência política, sociologia, história, etc.) e das inúmeras fontes de pesquisa, o que o torna, da mesma forma, em um estudo complexo e desafiador. A partir do conhecimento da história do Homem e da afirmação de seus direitos, sendo este fator inerente ao ser humano e, portanto, intimamente ligado a cada