Human resource

2513 palavras 11 páginas
University of Wales Institute, Cardiff
London School of Commerce

Module: Human Resource Management
Lecturer: David Hall

Course: BABS

Semester &Group: 3/ A

Deadline: 20/08/ 2010

Surname: Costa

First Name: Marcos

Student ID No:

The purpose of this essay is to discuss the importance of human resource can influence the behaviour of workforce. It will be discuss in four topics such as recruitments, motivation, human resource development strategy and equal opportunity in an organisation. However, human resource is the role model in an organisation such as in recruitment selection it is very crucial to select the right people to fit in the job.
Good recruitment and selection procedures can help to improve the workers of a problem and secure it works effectively. Their will determine the type of person required for a job. This means that a suitable person can be appointed. If they have the right skills and capability to do the job and labour productivity may be high, they are likely to make fewer mistakes, which can be costly and time consuming. Effective procedures may also be able to identify ways in which employees can develop.
For example, if training needs should develop an early stage to employees’ skills may increase as they are employed for a time and receive training. If Human resource recruits anyone, it might affect the business; the employee selected can come across with the working is boring or too hard for that person, because the employee does not fit in that position. For instance, if human resource select someone how works in line production to work in finance it should be investigate if they have qualification in finance or knowledge and skills if not it can not have motivation and underprivileged production if the staff quit the job, there will be management expenses for the human resource sector and a waste of time to the organisation and human resource. The business will experience the additional costs of marketing


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