Human resource management in the internet age: e-recruitment and e-selection methods

1331 palavras 6 páginas
Economy Informatics, 2003


Human Resource Management in the Internet Age: e -Recruitment and e-Selection Methods
Professor, Ph.D. Constanta BODEA, ec. Vasile BODEA, assistant Mark ZSOLT
Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest
The paper presents the main methods used in e-recruitment and e-selection processes. The discussion of e-recruitments and e-selection methods does not, however, negate the importance of more traditional tools, based on the face-to-face interaction or on a less technologically advanced medium. The paper is based on the research financed by Ministry of Education, R esearch and Younth - CNCSIS grant no. 1464/2003.
Keywords: human resource management, e-recruitment, e-selection, web site, SIDES, electronic resumes, online assessments, online interviewing.


e -recruitment methods
The main purpose of the recruitment process is the generation of an applicant pool truly interested in working in organization as a response to a job posting.
T he traditional recruiting methods are:
• print media advertising , such as job advertisements and recruitment br ochures;
• networking;
• recruitment agencies.
In addition, there are some Internet-based methods, very effective for recruiting. These recruitment methods are driven by skills.
Employers describe their free positions in the skill terms, while applicants provide an exte nsive detail of their skill. On most sites, job seekers can post their resumes and browse through listings for free, applying for jobs that interest them. Recruiters will need to focus on what applicants have to offer versus their current position title.
Employers using Internet services must pay to list an opening and establish a direct link to their web site. However, fees for Internet job sites tend to be lower than for other employment sources, such as advertising and recruitment agencies. More than 30% of all recruitment advertising budgets was spent on the Internet in 2000. Firms can


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