
280 palavras 2 páginas
Santos VNS et al


Electric microcurrent in the restoration of the skin undergone a trichloroacetic acid peeling in rats1 Microcorrente elétrica na restauração da pele submetidos ao peeling de ácido tricloroacético em ratos
Vilma Natividade Silva Santos2, Lydia Masako Ferreira3, Edith Kawano Horibe4, Ivone da Silva Duarte4

1. Study developed in the Post-Graduation Program of Recovering Plastic Surgery of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) – Paulista School of Medicine (EPM). São Paulo – Brazil. 2. Physiotherapist member of Regional Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Council (Crefito). Master of Sciences. 3. Full Professor and Head of the Discipline Plastic Surgery of the Department of Surgery, and Coordinator of the PostGraduation Program of Recovering Plastic Surgery UNIFESP-EPM. 4. Collaborator Professor of the Discipline Plastic Surgery UNIFESP-EPM.

ABSTRACT PURPOSE: To investigate the influence of neuromuscular electric stimulation by microcurrent (MENS Microcurrent Electric Neuromuscular Stimulation) in the restoration of the skin of rats undergone trichloroacetic acid (TCA). METHODS: Thirty-two hairless, male, adult rats were divided into two groups (with 16 animals each). In the Control Group (G1) the application of microcurrent was simulated 48 hours after the peeling. In the Experimental Group (G2) MENS was applied 48 hours after the TCA peeling, each 48 hours up to the Day 21, under the frequency of 0.5 Hz, intensity of 50mA, and lasting 20 minutes. The area of the lesion was evaluated on Days 7, 14, and 21 after-peeling by the Paper Template Method, and on Day 21 the histological analysis was performed. RESULTS: On microscopy changes were seen in the fibroblasts amount and structure, and in the collagen of the experimental group, with statistically significant difference


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