educaçao nutricional em serviços de saude

7484 palavras 30 páginas

Educação nutricional em serviços públicos de saúde
Nutritional education in public health services

Maria Cristina Faber Boog

1 De p a rtamento de
En f e r m a g e m , Faculdade de Ciências Médicas,
Un i versidade Estadual de Ca m p i n a s .
C . P. 6 1 1 1 , Ca m p i n a s ,S P
1 3 0 8 3 - 9 7 0 , Bra s i l .


Abstract The purpose of this study was to discuss the implementation of nutritional education in public health services from the perspective of health professionals (physicians and nurses) w o rking in them. The study was conducted in the Municipality of Ca m p i n a s , São Paulo St a t e ,
Brazil, from October 1993 to July 1995, using action-based research methodology. The results describe the construction of nutritional knowledge in training and professional institutions; b ehavior tow a rds food-related problems in daily professional experience as compared to personal l i f e ; the contradiction between the apparently trivial act of eating and the complexity of dietary problems; the interface between the acceptance of this work and the incorporation of nutritional education activities and their actual institutionalization; and health pro f e s s i o n a l s’ o p i n i o n s concerning situations permeating the implementation of activities. The paper concludes by referring to the need to implement nutritional education activities, difficulties experienced by physicians and nurses in approaching nutritional pro b l e m s , and the importance of including nutrition in the curricula of health courses.
Key words Health Education; Nutritional Education; Health Services; Health Personell; Nutrition

Resumo Este estudo objetivou discutir a implementação de atividades de educação nutricional em serviços públicos de saúde, valendo-se da visão de médicos e enfermeiros que atuam nesses s e rv i ç o s . A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em Ca m p i n a s , Estado de São Pa u l o, Bra s i l , e n t re outubro de 1993 e julho de 1995,


    4472 palavras | 18 páginas
  • Educa o Nutricional
    1113 palavras | 5 páginas
  • Atuação do nutricionista
    25467 palavras | 102 páginas
  • educaçao
    11092 palavras | 45 páginas
  • Microbiologia
    1843 palavras | 8 páginas
  • Nutrição
    3863 palavras | 16 páginas
  • Educação Nutricional
    5029 palavras | 21 páginas
  • Alimentos
    14523 palavras | 59 páginas
  • comunicacao nao verbal
    2840 palavras | 12 páginas
  • reas da nutri o
    582 palavras | 3 páginas