Codigo civil frances
Blue - azul
Green - verde
Brown - marrom
Orange - laranja
Red - vermelho
White - branco
Black - preto
Purple - roxo
Yellow - amarelo
Old- velho
Chair- cadeira
Table- mesa
Bed- cama
Box- caixa
Couch- sofá
Book- livro
Pen- caneta
Lamp- luminaria
Candy- doces
Money- dinheiro
Coffee- café
Food- comida towels- toalhas
Yanng- jovem
Fat- gordo
Tall- alto
Chort- baixo
Truck- caminhão
Coin- moeda
Gold- dourado
Silver- prateado
Wallet- cartera
Purse- bolsa
Door- porta
Biulding- predio
Flower- flor
Tree- arvore
Forma negativa:
Acrescenta-se o not na frase.
Ex: i am not old
Ex:i am not yanng
Ex : it is not a bad,it is a chair
Usa -se che is para mulher
He is para homem
It is para coisas e objetos
We are - nós somos ou nós estamos
This is- isso é
These are - elas são
No plural:
These cars are silver
These silver coins are not gold
1- one
2- two
3- three
4- four
5- five
6- six
7- seven
8- eight
9- nine
10- tem
11- eleven
12- twelve
13- thirteen
14- fourteen
15- fifteen
16- sixteen
17- seventeen
18- eighteen
19- nineteen
20- twenty
0- zero
Police officer- policial
Student- estudante
Doctor- .doutor
Bus drive- motorista de ônibus
Mechanic- mequanico
Nurse- emfermeira
Mailman- cartero
Teacher- professor
Secretary- secretaria
Chef- chefe de cozinha
Manager- gerente
On- sobre
Is - estár
Are - estão
At -á- no
In - na
Como fazer perguntas:
Ex: is it food? Yes , it is. Where is shi? Shi is on the car. Where is it? It is on the table. Where are they? They are in the box. Where is he? He is in the box. Where are the womam? They are at the table.
Where are you? I am at the table.
Verbos no presente:
Quando quiser descrever algo que está acontecendo,