The importance of the insertion of the nutritionist on the Family Health Strategy
Laryssa Maria Mendes de Geus 1
Cíntia Sovek Maciel 1
Isabel Cristina Araújo Burda 1
Sara Jedida Daros 1
Sunáli Batistel 1
Thiciane Corina Antunes Martins 1
Vanessa Aparecida Ferreira 1
Rafael Gomes Ditterich 2
Curso de Nutrição, Centro de Ensino Superior dos
Campos Gerais. Av. Carlos
Cavalcanti 8000, Uvaranas.
84030-000 Ponta Grossa
Faculdade de Odontologia,
Centro de Ciências
Médicas, Universidade
Federal Fluminense.
Abstract The Family Health Strategy has as its main purpose to reorganize the practice of attention to health in new bases and to substitute the traditional model existing in Brazil. The new curriculum guidelines to graduate health professionals propose a general formation as well as ethics, having as its main focus the largest approach to the local health services. However, Nutrition still does not present a regulation for an active participation in the Family Health Strategy. Considering this fact, the Family Health Strategy is directly linked to people’s welfare in many aspects
(social, nutritional, psychological, etc). Therefore, this work intends to present the importance of the insertion of a nutritionist in the Family
Health Strategy for the integrality of health actions. The conclusion is that nutritionist is fully qualified to work in the Family Health Strategy, because the absence of this professional is against the principle of the integrality of the health actions, as it is evident that no other health professional possesses education to work with food and nutrition within the communities and this presence would contribute to promote people’s health.
Key words Primary health care, Family Health
Program, Nutritionist, Public health policy
Resumo A Estratégia Saúde da Família tem como principal propósito reorganizar a prática de atenção à saúde em novas bases e