
8968 palavras 36 páginas
Os atletas atingem as necessidades nutricionais de carboidratos em suas dietas?
Do athletes fill their nutritional carbohydrate needs when going on diets?


SOUSA, M.V.; TIRAPEGUI, J. Do athletes fill their nutritional carbohydrate needs when going on diets? Nutrire: rev. Soc. Bras. Alim. Nutr.= J. Brazilian Soc.
Food Nutr., São Paulo, SP, v. 29, p. 121-140, jun. 2005.
The search for better results involve aspects linked to the athletes’ nutrition.
Manipulation of the carbohydrate intake by the diet offered before, during and after the exercise may greatly improve the athletic performance by means of optimization of the muscles’ glycogen and the reserves of hepatic tissue or by means of maintenance of the blood glucose homeostasis. It is a known fact that several nutritional “maneuvers” are capable to interfere in the athletes’ performance, as much as the inadequacy of their diet can impair their sporting productivity. CHO storage in the organism is limited and represents approximately 2000Kcal, being equivalent to only 1–2% of the total energy stored in the body. The greatest part of this energy is metabolized during exercise and, because of that, the appropriate nutritional support on intense training programs includes a high-energy ingestion, predominantly in the form of carbohydrates (approximately between 60 and 70%) for replacement of the glycogen storage in the organism. However, this scientific literature review points out to an alimentary inadequacy regarding carbohydrate intake among athletes of several countries and different sport modalities, regardless of whether it is aerobic or anaerobic.

Departamento de
Alimentos e Nutrição
Experimental da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas da Universidade de São Paulo.
Endereço para
Av. Lineu Prestes, 580 –
Bloco 14, 05508-030,
São Paulo, S.P., Brasil. Agradecimentos: os autores


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