
367 palavras 2 páginas
Barbell Workout Routine for Back Printed on Apr 27 2010
Workout Routine Snapshot
1 Workout Days 0 Cardio Exercises 4 Strength Training 0 Stretching Exercises 4 Back

Barbell Workout Routine for Back - Day 1
Cardio / Strength Training Back | Deadlift (Barbell) # of Sets # of Reps Progress Log



Back | Shrug (Barbell)



Back | Power Clean and Press



Back | High Pull



Detailed Strength Training Exercise Information Back | Deadlift (Barbell) | Copyright, Blisslogik Inc.

Secondary Muscles Buttocks, Thighs, Lower Back Starting Position Crouch down to reach the barbell on the floor and grab it with both hands in a medium-grip position, arms extended, legs at shoulder width. Motion Raise yourself up while keeping your arms extended and slowly lower yourself back down after a short pause. Tips/Caution Breathe out while raising yourself and breathe in while lowering yourself back. Back | Shrug (Barbell) Secondary Muscles Trapezius Starting Position Stand up and hold the barbell down in front of your thighs, arms extended and palms facing back. Motion Raise the barbell by raising your shoulders straight up and lower it slowly back down after a short pause. Tips/Caution Keep your arms extended throughout. Back | Power Clean and Press Secondary Muscles Thighs, Front Deltoids, Outer Deltoids, Rear Deltoids, Trapezius Starting Position Crouch down to reach the barbell on the floor and grab it with both hands in a medium-grip position, arms extended, legs at shoulder width. Motion Raise the bar by standing up and continue on by raising your arms until the bar is up at arms' length and lower it back after a short pause. Tips/Caution Breathe out while raising the barbell and breathe in while lowering it back. Back | High Pull Secondary Muscles Thighs, Rear Deltoids, Trapezius Starting Position Crouch down to reach the barbell on the floor and grab it with both hands in a medium-grip position, arms extended, legs at shoulder width. Motion


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