Hans kelsen 1
Palavras-chave: Teoria pura do direito. Normativismo. Direito e ciência. Hans Kelsen.
Abstract: This work aims to an epistemological analysis of the third chapter of the work of pure Theory of law, Law and Science, wrote by austrian jurist Hans Kelsen. Through a brief exposure of main bibliographic aspects and core ideas of the author, referring to their characteristics and contributions to the law. Describes the Centre of interest of Pure Theory, which is attempting to give the legal science a method and an object themselves, debugging them any influences from political ideology and the elements of natural science. In the end, exposes and some of the reasons from a foundation designated objections to the design of the underlying science kelseniano thinking.
Key-words: Pure theory of Law. Normativism. Law and science. Hans Kelsen.
O jurista e filósofo austríaco Hans Kelsen, considerado um dos maiores pensadores do século XX, deixou um vasto legado teórico-literário, do qual se destaca sua obra Teoria Pura do Direito. A importância desta obra se dá, especialmente, pelo rompimento com os ditames da filosofia jurídica tradicional da época, a qual, segundo Kelsen, era contaminada com a ideologia política de todos os elementos da ciência natural. Pretendia o