Educação e Prática Escolar: Cidadania no ambiente escolar
Solange Bezerra dos Anjos1
Rua Dr. Almir Gabriel, 52 – Centro – Cachoeira do Piriá/PA, CEP: 68,617-000 /
Abstract. In this understanding of Education and Teaching Practice:
Citizenship in the school environment, what is the role of the school? We believe that school is a space as possible to carry out the task of educating for citizenship. This position is supported researchers, considering the school as the privileged place for human rights education, "that is where it gives cultural transmission and training for social cohesion." The School undertakes to transmit culture to future generations, therefore, values and habits. The school citizen is associated with the idea of school of communication and must prioritize the training of student self-expression, to understand the messages written or oral. Work is required in dialogue, teaching the student to argue, analyze speeches and messages, and especially to handle the language as an instrument of emancipation and autonomy. Education in this direction is to understand that human rights and citizenship mean life practice in all instances of social interaction of individuals: in family, school, work, community, church and in society.
Keywords: Citizenship, School, Education, Community.
Resumo. Nessa compreensão de Educação e Prática Escolar: Cidadania no ambiente escolar, qual é o papel da escola? Acreditamos que a escola é um espaço possível para a realização da tarefa de educar para a cidadania. Essa posição é reforçada pesquisadores, ao considerar a escola como o lugar privilegiado para a educação em direitos humanos, “por que é onde se dá a transmissão cultural e a formação para a convivência social”. A Escola se encarrega de transmitir cultura às novas gerações, por isso, valores e hábitos.
À escola cidadã é associada à idéia de escola da comunicação, devendo priorizar na