Crossover designs
Carla Noronha1, Teresa Oliveira.1,2
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UAb – Universidade Aberta, Portugal, CEAUL – Center of Statistics and Applications,
Crossover Designs
Review and Challenges
BRIEF HISTORY Initially, crossover designs have wide application in agriculture century. XIX. According to Jones and Kenward (2003) early studies have occurred in 1853 due to a controversy that has arisen between Sir John Bennett Lawes, a British scientist and farmer Baron Justus von Liebig in Giessen, German chemist, researcher in the field of Agricultural and Biological Chemistry , about the nutrition of plants (1840). Lawes, associated with Gilbert, English chemist, who was known to have spent almost his entire career trying to develop chemical methods that improve agriculture, a partnership that would last decades, argued that the plants needed the existing calcium in the bones of a more soluble for better nutrition. Eventually carry out a series of experiments at Rothamsted Experimental Station, the first season of experience existing farm, located in Hertfordshire, England, that these experiments consisted of animal bones dissolved in sulfuric acid for subsequent distribution to the crops. The patent was registered by Gilbert in 1842, under the name "super phosphate". TESTS These are some of the tests used in a