A Era dos Extremos

10133 palavras 41 páginas
Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
Trabalho originalmente preparado para curso de desenvolvimento econômico na Fundação
Getúlio Vargas. Versão de 2 de março de 2006.
Abstract. A review of the concept of economic development. Economic growth or economic development is seen as a historical phenomenon – as the outcome of the capitalist revolution, and, so, of the commercial, the industrial and, between them, the national revolutions. Thus, what is required is a historical concept of economic growth, not a normative one. Seen under this approach, economic development is intrinsically related to the rise of the modern nationstates. It is the outcome of nations using the state as a tool of collective action to achieve economic growth. But are not economic development and economic growth different things?.
The author argues that historically they are not, if the distinction is drawn on basis of distribution or concentration of income: economic development is often accompanied by rising inequality. It is different if one defines growth as not involving structural economic changes, but, historically this is almost impossible. Although economic development is not the only political objective of nations, the paper argues that it is a major one: other objectives are security, freedom, social justice and the protection of the environment. Economic development cannot solve all these problems.
Palavras-chave: desenvolvimento




O desenvolvimento econômico é um fenômeno histórico que passa a ocorrer nos países ou estados-nação que realizam sua revolução capitalista, e se caracteriza pelo aumento sustentado da produtividade ou da renda por habitante, acompanhado por sistemático processo de acumulação de capital e incorporação de progresso técnico. Uma vez iniciado, o desenvolvimento econômico tende a ser relativamente automático ou auto-sustentado na medida em que no sistema


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