Transmissão de energia sem fio
Freitas1, Franco1
1Bacharelando em Ciência da Computação, IFMG Formiga – MG – Brasil
Abstract. The paper presents an analysis based on research and experiments of Electric Power Transmission Wireless, by researchers such as Andre Kurs, Nuno Miguel, Column Boniface and companies like Intel, to obtain significant results on the knowledge of the type of electricity transmission wireless , the physical explanation that allows such a feat, as well as the advantages and disadvantages and difficulties in current popularizção this system. Briefly, we describe a little about the vital importance of the contribution of the genius Nikola Tesla for the current technology as well as his vision for the future, where we are today. The objective of this study is not to deepen the part of electromagnetism, which is the basis of all this technology more widely mainly showing its operation. Kurs 2007, presents his paper, transmission Power Through Attached Resonan- ces strongly as well, Boniface Michael and authors of the article, Transimissão Power Wireless constitutes the main theoretical framework of this work. This work has general characteristics for explanation based on HowStuffWorks web- site. Based on the theoretical framework is developed chronologically the history, major surveys and their most relevant data, the physical and principle of operation and finally the conclusions on the evolution of this technology..
Resumo. O trabalho apresenta uma análise baseada em pesquisas e experimentos de Transmissão de Energia Eletrica Sem Fio, por pesquisadores como André Kurs, Nuno Miguel, Coluna Bonifácio e empresas como Intel, visando obter resultados significativos sobre os conhecimentos dos tipo de transmissão de energia elétrica sem fio, a explicação física que possibilita tal feito, bem como as vantagens e desvantagens atuais e dificuldade de popularizção desse sistema. Resumidamente, é descrito