Palavras chaves: usuário, equipe multiprofissional, competência, CAPS.
The present article approaches CAPS II operation, Bairro Vila dos Sais, enclosure to the Hospital Eurico Dutra, in the city of Barreiras BA, detaching the work developed by the team with professionals of several areas and their eventual functions. Brings the employees' of referred CAPS depositions, demonstrating their users the purpose of that place that is today reference for the people's that suffer with mental upset treatment. It explains the function of each member of the team, Nurse, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, social worker, Therapist Occupational, Pharmaceutical, Auxiliary / Technician of Nursing and personal of support, detaching his/her importance in the maintenance of the assisted individual's mental health.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Acadêmicas do 5º semestre de Enfermagem / Faculdade São Francisco de Barreiras 2 Enfermeira e Professora/Supervisora da disciplina Saúde Mental pela Faculdade São Francisco de Barreiras- FASB. E-mail: vanessa picã
O presente artigo aborda o funcionamento do Centro de Atenção Psicossocial CAPS II, Bairro Vila dos Sais, anexo ao Hospital Eurico