Resumo liberalismo

4395 palavras 18 páginas
Análise à nível do indivíduo. (Organização interna do Estado, orientação política dos estados é importante).

There is no canonical description of liberalism. What we tend to call liberal resembles a family portrait of principles and institutions, recognizable by certain characteristics-for example, individual freedom, political participation, privateproperty, and e.quali ty of opportunity. 1152

More significant perhaps is that when states are forced to decide on which side of an impending world war they will fight, liberal states all wind up on the same side despite the complexity of the paths that take them there. (Doyle, 1156).

They do suggest that we consider the possibility that liberals have indeed established a separate peace-but only among themselves.(Doyle, 1156).

Liberal states,founded on such individual rights as equality before the law, free speech and other civil liberties, private property, and elected representation are fundamentally against war this argument asserts. (Doyle. 1151)
Teoria da Paz democrática: Democracia é primordial à paz entre os estados. (Nunca houve uma guerra entre democracias) (propriedade, igualdade jurídica, liberdade)

“In their relations with nonliberal states, however, liberal states have not escaped from insecurity caused by anarchy in the world political system considered as a whole” (DOYLE. 1968. P.1162)

“I find, with Kant and other liberal republicans, that liberalism does leave a coherent legacy on foreign affairs. Liberal states are different. They are indeed peaceful, yet they are also prone to make war (...). Liberal states have created a separate peace (...), and have also discovered liberal reasons for aggression” (Doyle, 1986, pp. 1151-2).

- Pacifismo liberal (Joseph Schumpeter) acredita que o capitalismo democrático leva à


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