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Docente: Discente: Filipe Caboz nº 40932
This kind of tourism started in the United states in the 1910.
I choose backpacking because I’ve never done it before, and it’s a kind of travel that really attracts me. I think that’s because I love freedom, and relly seduce me being in a remote part of the globe without any concern about anything. We experience new cultures, new costumes and new dishes, in another place without the capitalism controlling our lives. Live to by a car, a house giving up of our true inclinations.
Normally we associate backpackers to young people that don’t have money to travel in the traditional way, so they engage low cost budgets sometimes without losing quality by leaving the touristic circus and exploiting the everyday reality of the touristic destiny. In the traditional way of traveling we only see what everybody see’s and it really can be a god experience once or twice, but the matrix of experience in this massive circumstances become very futile and really limited. The backpackers really enjoy the host comunitty, interacting directly with the new culture with a deep meaning and a deep experience. like students, that don’t work, and only whant to travel without planning anything. The just travel in a low cost company to a cheap place and enjoy. They are free to do what they want dealing with their budget.
But, in my opinion, and based in what I’ve read about, it can occur in many other situations. There are many people that really like traveling and they don’t matter if they get comfort. The unique preoccupation it’s to go to a place “unexplored”.
My ultimate dream is to travel this way between India and China, and see a entire new world. Totally different from what we use to. Interacting and knowing what relly is behind my neighborhood. I wold like to find another way for may live. Deal with