Qualidade de vida no trabalho
Tourism Management 27 (2006) 1274–1289 www.elsevier.com/locate/tourman
Sustainability indicators for managing community tourism
HwanSuk Chris Choia,Ã, Ercan Sirakayab b School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont., Canada N1G 2W1 Department of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-2261, USA Received 13 February 2005; accepted 14 May 2005
Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop indicators to measure community tourism development (CTD) within a sustainable framework. In order to develop such objective indicators, this study employed a modified Delphi technique. A panel of 38 academic researchers in tourism provided input into developing the indicators. After three rounds of discussion, the panel members reached consensus on the following set of 125 indicators: political (32), social (28), ecological (25), economic (24), technological (3), and cultural dimensions (13) for CTD. This set of sustainable tourism indicators can serve as a starting-point for devising a set of indicators at the local and regional level. Further study shall develop a set of sustainable indicators relying on communities’ distinctive characteristics and employing indicator experts from the social and physical sciences and from all stakeholder groups, including residents of the host community, industry experts, government planners, policy-makers and non-governmental organizations [United Nations (2001). Managing sustainable tourism development: ESCAP tourism review, No. 22. New York, NY: UN]. r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Sustainable community tourism; Sustainability indicators; Community tourism management; The Delphi technique
1. Introduction In the 20th century, globalization of capitalism, movement of populations, and advances in transportation and communication technology have helped to develop tourism into one of the world’s largest