Qualidade de vida no trabalho qvt
Palavra-Chave: Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho, Prevenção, Segurança.
ABSTRACT The subsystems of maintaining RH conditions also require work to ensure health and well-this. For that they should minimize hazardous and unsanitary conditions. The hygiene of the work focuses on both people (average services and add services). When the work environment conditions, such as lighting, noise and atmospheric conditions (temperature, humidity, ventilation). The safety of the work focuses on the prevention of accidents, theft and fire. In the prevention of accidents, the national security and complemented by CIPA. Evaluation of accidents and made by the frequency coefficient and the coefficient of gravity that allow for comparison with the situation of other companies. The quality of work life is fading unprecedented importance in organizational success. It depends on the degree of satisfaction regarding the company and the work environment.
Keyword: Quality of Working Life, Prevention,