Marketing nike

2899 palavras 12 páginas
INTRODUCTION 3 The Story So Far 3 MARKETING ORIENTATION 3 Types of Orientation 4 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE 7 Porter’s five forces 7 Porter’s Generic Strategies 9 The MARKETING MIX 11 Product 11 The Ansoff Matrix 13 BCG Matrix 14 Product Life Cycle 16 Price 19 Nike’s pricing Strategies 20 Price versus Promotion Matrix 21 Price versus Quality Matrix 22 Place (Distribution) 23 Nike -Direct Marketing 24 Nike - Indirect Marketing (Wholesalers & Retailers) 25 Value added services – Intermediaries 25 Distribution strategies 25 Promotion 26 Nike’s promotional strategies 27 Communication Model 28 SWOT ANALYSIS OF NIKE INCORPORATED 30 Strengths: 30 Strong Brand Image 30 Supplier Diversity 30 High Growth 31 Weakness: 31 Recent Setbacks 31 Child Labour and Sweat Shops 31 Opportunities: 31 New Product Launches 31 Growth of e-Retail Industry 32 Threats: 32 Increase in Counterfeit Products 32 Increase in Wage Rates 32 Intense Competition 32 UNDERSTANDING AND SUSTAINING COMPETITION 33 REFERENCES 34

Blessed from the mighty heavens by the Greek Goddess of Strength, Power and Victory read Nike; the brand has always captured one’s imagination and strengthened its position among the upper echelons of marketing icons. Nike’s marketing strategy draws your attention by interrupting you, attracting you, ensnaring you and finally and most importantly satisfying you. In a recent conference, Paul Knight , the charismatic founder and ex- CEO of Nike chose a divergent outlook to most other speakers on the subject of choosing Nike over competition. He asked people who run to rise from the comfort of their seats. He then asked those who run three or more times a week to keep standing. He looked on and `exquisitely announced –We are for you. “When you get up at 5 o’clock in the morning to go for a run, even if it’s cold and wet out, you go. And when you get to mile 4, we’re the one standing under the


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