Importância dos recursos humanos
Ricardo Leal W48776 Rzeszów, 25-01-2013
Introduction _________________________________________________________ 2 What is Human Capital Management? ____________________________________ 3 Why is Human Capital Important for organizations and economy? _______________ 4 Conclusion _________________________________________________________ 6
Human capital comprises the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of the workforce of a firm, as well as the organizational arrangements and networks of relationships that enable employees to be innovative and productive. Human capital is an important factor of production in any industry, because ultimately, people execute projects. Given the fundamental importance of human capital to any organization, it is intuitive to expect that successful management of human capital plays a significant role in achieving organizational goals. Nobel Prize-winning economist Gary S. Becker, who created the term “human capital,” says that “the basic resource in any company is the people”. The most successful companies and the most successful countries will be those that manage human capital in the most effective and efficient manner.
Human capital is the stock of competencies, knowledge, social and personality attributes, including creativity, embodied in the ability to perform labor so as to produce economic value. It is an aggregate economic view of the human being acting within economies, which is an attempt to capture the social, biological, cultural and psychological complexity as they interact in explicit and/or economic transactions. It is an aggregate economic view of the human being acting within economies, which is an attempt to capture the social, biological, cultural and psychological complexity as they interact in explicit and/or economic transactions.
Knowledge and expertise which employees develop in due course of