To look further at the significance of this situation, Dr. Moser reviewed the results of several large treatment trials. He collected information on more than 700 octogenarians with hypertension who were treated with blood pressure lowering medications. These data were compared to the data in a similar number of octogenarians who were not treated.
Analysis of the data revealed that treatment with blood pressure lowering (anti-hypertensive) medications reduced the risk for strokes and heart failure by 35%. Further, the incidence of other cardiovascular events (for example, heart attacks) was reduced by 20%. In addition, Dr. Moser pointed out that in these large studies, the blood pressure did not consistently reach a goal of less than 140/90. Nevertheless, an average reduction in systolic pressure of only 12-15 mm Hg was enough to achieve these cardiovascular benefits.
When treating the elderly for hypertension, it is also necessary to consider the other medical conditions that they may have. Some of these conditions may make the patients more prone to side effects from the medications. However, modifying the