Guy fawkes

291 palavras 2 páginas
Guy fawkes * Guy Fawkes was born on April 13, 1570 in York and died on January 31, 1606 in London. He was also known as Guido Fawkes. * He was an English Catholic soldier, explosives expert who had involvement in the Gunpowder Plot. This convention was intended to assassinate King James I and members of parliament, during a meeting in 1605, which is led by Robert Catesby. * Catholics wer unhappy and their commander (Robert Catesby) intended to blow up the Parliament building using around 36 barrels of gunpowder Guy Fawkes being responsible for the barrels. * The conspirators warned the innocent Catholics, who didn´t know about the conspiration, by telling them to not be around the Parliament that day. As a result of this warning the king came to know and ordered a review to the building. This way, Guy Fawkes was caught guarding the gunpowder and he was immediatly imprisoned and torturated. Later, he revealed the names of the other conpirators. Such as Guy Fawkes himself been sentenced to death by hanging for attempted murder and treason to the king. * Currently both the King and the Queen as tradition to send a review to parliament on the day of the special session that only occurs once a year. Every year on the 5th of November is celebrated as Night of Fires will burn at the stake and dolls to represent the Gay Fawkes fireworks and drop artifices. Since children do also straw dolls, but only after a few days, and will ask for money. * a rhymne that is often said by people, about this day is * "Remember, remember, the 5th of November
The gunpowder, treason and plot;
I know of no reason, why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be


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