Ginástica Geral

2295 palavras 10 páginas
Ginástica Geral (GG)



General Gymnastics
General Gymnastics is a very comprehensive sport because it includes the several disciplines of Gymnastics (Artistic, Rhythmic,
Aerobics, etc) besides the various possibilities of bodily manifestations according to the International Federation of
Gymnastics – FIG. The largest event of General Gymnastics is the
Gymnaestrada, a non-competitive demonstration, which takes place

every 4 years. The Brazilian very first gymnastics activity took place in 1838 at Colégio Pedro II, a 19th century model school of the
Brazilian Empire. However, after that, the gymnastic activities that had come with German colonization prevailed. Later on, the participation of Brazil in the Gymnaestrada events started in the
1950s. Although Brazil has important tradition of General

Gymnastics , there are only around 1,700 athletes and 150 registered groups in the national federation. In international terms the national team has reached a reasonable level of reputation and continuity because there is always an average of 300 Brazilian participants in every Gymnaestrada, between 0.5% and 1% of the total number of gymnasts of the events.

Definição e Origens A GG é uma modalidade bastante abrangente, valendo-se das várias propostas de Ginástica (Artística,
Rítmica, Aeróbica, Trampolim, Acrobática, dentre outras), além de variadas possibilidades de manifestações corporais. Estas podem ser diversos tipos de danças e expressões folclóricas, apresentados através de coreografias musicadas em grupos, com propostas livres e criativas, sempre fundamentadas nos elementos gímnicos, oportunizando a expressão dos aspectos multiculturais de quem as desenvolve e, principalmente, sem qualquer tipo de limitação para a sua prática, seja quanto às possibilidades de execução, sexo ou idade. Segundo a Federação Internacional de Ginástica-FIG, a
Ginástica Geral (GG) culmina em âmbito internacional com


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