Evolução dos meios de orientação

1051 palavras 5 páginas
Lesson 13
to plan,planned: to think about and decide what you are going to do or how you are going to do something:
We're just planning our holidays.
As a manager, you've got to plan ahead.
I'd planned the meeting for Friday. to intend to do something:
He plans to go to college next year. to guess, guessed: to give an answer or opinion about something without having all the facts:
Can you guess how old he is?
I would say he probably works in the media, but I'm just guessing. to give a correct answer without having all the facts:
"You've got a promotion!" "Yes, how did you guess?"
plan: an arrangement for what you intend to do or how you intend to do something: the country's economic plan
Do you have any plans for the weekend? a drawing that shows how something appears from above or will appear from above when it is built: a street plan.
We had a designer draw up a plan for the yard. court: the place where a judge decides whether someone is guilty of a crime:
The suspect appeared in court charged with robbery. the judge and group of people at a trial who decide whether someone is guilty of a crime:
She told the court what happened on the night of the murder. extreme: the most unusual or most serious possible: extreme weather conditions
In extreme cases, the disease can lead to blindness. very large in amount or degree sense: good judgment, especially about practical things:
He had the good sense to book a seat in advance. the ability to do something: a sense of direction enchartment: to attract or please someone very much
The audience was clearly enchanted by her performance. joy: a feeling of great happiness: the joy of winning something or someone that makes you feel very happy:
She's a joy to work with.
Joyous: extremely happy, or making people extremely happy costumer: a person who buys goods or a service a satisfied customer
Mrs. Wilson is one of our regular customers. client: someone who pays


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