Estatística e desvio padrão

2303 palavras 10 páginas
Is there a correlation between students grades in Math’s and English?
Is there a correlation between students grades in Math’s and English?
Oeiras International School
Oeiras International School
IB Mathematical Studies May 2014 – Internal Assessment



Raw Data:……………………………………………………...1

Results Tables:………………………………………………….1


Scatter Graph:…………………………………………………..3




Standard Deviation……………………………………………..4

Bar Graph:……………………………………………………...

Box and Whisker Graphs:………………………………………


My aim for this project is to see if there is a correlation between students grades in Math’s and English.

In order to collect this data, I will be collecting data of the student’s gender, Math’s grade and English grade from one school. I will create a questionnaire asking the students gender, Math’s grade and English grade. Then I will send this questionnaire to 100 students from the school. The country where this school is from is Angola and the school is called English School Community of Luanda Angola (E.S.C.O.L.A). I will be doing this because in most cases that students aren’t good in math’s is due to their language and if they are not fluent in speaking English then they would have difficulties in math’s. This is because show wouldn’t understand the question.

I will be using the coefficient to find the correlation between a student’s gender, Math’s Grades and English Grades.

Raw Data:

Students | Gender | Maths | English | 1 | Female | 38% | 55% | 2 | Female | 96% | 78% | 3 | Female | 55% | 35% | 4 | Female | 90% | 95% | 5 | Female | 50% | 68% | 6 | Female | 94% | 86% | 7 | Female | 64% | 56% | 8 | Female | 76% | 82% | 9 | Female | 96% | 90% | 10 | Female | 85% | 79% | 11 | Female | 90% | 65% | 12 | Female | 90% | 69%


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