Anita garibaldi

451 palavras 2 páginas
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Centro de Comunicação e Expressão
Departamento de Língua e Literatura Estrangeira
Curso de Licenciatura em Letras – Inglês na Modalidade a Distância
Disciplina: LLE9364 – Compreensão e Produção Escrita em Língua Inglesa VI
Profa. Adriana Kuerten Dellagnelo
Academica: Giovanna Renata Prestes da Silva
Polo: Chapecó
Data: 03/03/2012

Evaluated activity – Final Version

Ana Maria de Jesus Ribeiro da Silva, famous by the name Anita Garibaldi and also known as the “hero of two worlds”, was a simple girl that was born in 1821 in the city of Laguna, Santa Catarina, Brazil. She was raised in a poor family, her father had a small business in the city and her mother took care of the family. When she was about fourteen years old, her father died, and because of her family financial issues, she had to marry a shoemaker named Manuel Duarte de Aguiar. Her marriage lasted only 3 years. When she was eighteen years old, Anita feel in love with Guissepe Garibaldi, a young man who came from Italy to fight in some battles that were taking place at that time. Because of this love, Anita left all her life behind and joined her love on these battles. She learned how to fight, how to use a gun and how to defend herself and the ones who were fighting with her and her love. The most famous battle that they participated in Brazil was “Guerra dos Farrapos”, that happened between 1835 and 1845 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. In the year of 1842, she got married to Guissepe in the city of Montevidéu. After getting married, the couple settle down for some years, they left the battles behind and lived a normal life. Some years later, Guissepe is called to fight in Italy and he decided to go with his family. In this period one of Anita’s daughter died and then she decided to start fighting with her husband again. This happen in the year 1849. They were in Rome fighting against France. In this last battle Anita was pregnant, but nobody


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