Analise qualitativa teoria passos e fidedignidade
Qualitative analysis: theory, steps and reliability
Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo 1
Centro Latino-Americano de Estudos de Violência e
Saúde (Claves), Escola
Nacional de Saúde Pública
(Ensp), Fundação Oswaldo
Cruz. Av. Brasil 4036/700,
Manguinhos. 21040-361
Rio de Janeiro RJ. Abstract This essay seeks to conduct in-depth analysis of qualitative research, based on benchmark authors and the author’s own experience.
The hypothesis is that in order for an analysis to be considered reliable, it needs to be based on structuring terms of qualitative research, namely the verbs ‘comprehend’ and ‘interpret’, and the nouns
‘experience’, ‘common sense’ and ‘social action’.
The 10 steps begin with the construction of the scientific object by its inclusion on the national and international agenda; the development of tools that make the theoretical concepts tangible; conducting field work that involves the researcher empathetically with the participants in the use of various techniques and approaches, making it possible to build relationships, observations and a narrative with perspective. Finally, the author deals with the analysis proper, showing how the object, which has already been studied in all the previous steps, should become a second-order construct, in which the logic of the actors in their diversity and not merely their speech predominates. The final report must be a theoretic, contextual, concise and clear narrative.
Key words Qualitative analysis, Qualitative research, Comprehension, Interpretation, Dialectics
Resumo Neste ensaio busca-se aprofundar a reflexão sobre o processo de análise na pesquisa qualitativa a partir de autores referenciais e da experiência da própria autora. O texto está organizado em forma de decálogo por meio do qual é tratado o tema processualmente. A hipótese é de que uma análise para ser fidedigna precisa conter os termos estruturantes da investigação qualitativa que são os verbos: compreender e interpretar;