Usinagem - Ferramentas de Corte
The metal mechanic industry increasingly requires the development of manufacturing processes, mainly the modernization of machine tools and the constant evolution
manufactured through the machining process, which consists of removing a layer of material of the surface of the piece using these tools. The correct choice of cutting tools and machining parameters is not just a matter of monitoring technology, but a necessity, as a result of increased demand and reducing cost with the guarantee of product quality. The ABNT 4140 steel is a low-alloy steel for construction, used in different industries provided laminated or heat-treated, due to its mechanical resistance, average machinery, and high temperability. This study evaluates the influence of two mills of diameters of 20 mm and 40 mm, with cutting tools for TiN coated, in the steel hardened milling ABNT4140 quenched/tempering using an emulsifying fluid. To obtain the results, ABNT 4140 steel bars quenched/tempered cylinders were milled on CNC machine, using cutting speed of 120 m/min and advances 0.1, 0.15 and 0, 2 mm/rev per tooth. The milling time was up to 50 minutes, bringing wear, damage and fracture of tablets. There was also the roughness of the piece for this time of milling. The wear was evaluated through scanning electronic microscope with cannon emission by field effect.
Keywords: milling, cutting tool, cutting tool wea
Figura 1 - Representação esquemática das geometrias básicas do processo de fresamento, profundidade de corte (ap) e avanço (fZ). .......................... 20
Figura 2 - Microestrutura do metal duro. (Norma isso 513 2004)........................... 24
Figura 3 - Microdureza Vickers dos principais revestimentos de ferramenta de corte. (Abele, E. et. al., 2002). .............................................................. 26
Figura 4 - Alguns tipos