Unidades de Vizinhança
Place arterial streets along the perimeter so that they define and distinguish the "place" of the neighborhood and by design eliminate unwanted through-traffic from the neighborhood. In this way, major arterials define the neighborhood, rather than divide it through its heart.
Design internal streets using a hierarchy that easily distinguishes local streets from arterial streets, using curvilinear street design for both safety and aesthetic purposes. Streets, by design, would discourage unwanted through traffic and enhance the safety of pedestrians.
Restrict local shopping areas to the perimeter or perhaps to the main entrance of the neighborhood, thus excluding nonlocal traffic destined for these commercial uses that might intrude on the neighborhood.
Dedicate at least 10 percent of the neighborhood land area to parks and open space, creating places for play and community interaction" [2]
O croqui nº 13 mostra a concepção da “Unidade de Vizinhança”, formada por quatro Super Quadras, com espaços alternados para veículos e para pedestres, reunindo os equipamentos urbanos básicos dentro de espaços acessíveis ao pedestre, sem cruzar vias de trânsito motorizado.
Os croquis nº 14 mostram a “cortina” verde destinada a proteger as áreas residenciais do ruído das vias motorizadas.
O croqui nº 15 apresenta um exemplo de segregação entre as vias para automóveis e ônibus, e as vias para caminhões e demais serviços urbanos.
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