
702 palavras 3 páginas

(Entre parênteses esta descrito como se pronuncia)

To ask (tchu ésk) : perguntar
To answer (tchu ensor) : responder
To listen (tchu lissem) : ouvir
To say (tchu sei) : dizer
To do (tchu du): fazer (realizar ações)
To make ( tchu meique) : Fazer / construir
To draw (tchu dró) : desenhar
To wear (tchu uér) : usar
To see (tchu si) : ver
To sleep (tchu eslip) : dormir
To open (tchu open) : abrir
To close (tchu clouse) : fechar
To erase (tchu ereise) : apagar
To call (tchu cól) : Chamar / ligar
To drink (tchu drinque) : beber
To act (tchu éct) : agir
To eat (tchu it) : comer
To kiss (tchu quis) : beijar
To meet (tchu mit) : conhecer
To avoid (tchu avóid) : evitar
To bake (tchu beique) : assar
To cook (tchu cuque) : cozinhar
To boil (tchu bóiol): ferver
To imagine (tchu imégine) : imaginar
To describe (tchu describe) : descrever
To try (tchu trai) : tentar
To talk (tchu tolk) : conversar
To sell (tchu sél) : vender
To buy (tchu bai) : comprar
To wish (tchu uiche) : desejar
To walk (tchu uólque) : caminhar, andar
To run (tchu ran) : correr
To sing (tchu singue) : cantar
To park (tchu pârk) : estacionar
To drive (tchu draive) : dirigir
To create (tchu crieite) : criar
To feel (tchu fil ) : sentir
To learn (tchu lerm) : aprender
To dance (tchu dence) : dançar
To write (tchu uraite) : escrever
To believe (tchu bilive) : acreditar
To be (tchu bi) ; ser / estar
To appear (tchu apir) : aparecer
To agree (tchu agri) : concordar
To accept (tchu acépte) : aceitar
To complain (tchu compleim) : reclamar
To carry (tchu quéry) : carregar
To change (tchu chenge) : trocar
To wash (tchu uache) : lavar
To wait (tchu ueit) : esperar
To watch (tchu uatche): assistir /
To paint (tchu peint) : pintar
To hold (tchu hold) : segurar
To solve (tchu saulve) : resolver
To lend (tchu lend ) emprestar
To live (tchu live) viver
To arrive ( tchu arrive) :chegar
To leave ( tchu liive) : sair


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