trabalho de desenvolvimento
Percepção vocal e qualidade de vida***
Vocal perception and life quality
Silvia Tieko Kasama*
Alcione Ghedini Brasolotto**
*Fonoaudióloga. Mestranda em Saúde na Comunidade pela Faculdade de
Medicina de Ribeirão Prteo da
Universidade de São Paulo.
Endereço para correspondência:
Avenida Elias Miguel Maluf 1-134
Bauru - São Paulo - CEP 17050-440
**Fonoaudióloga. Doutora em
Distúrbios da Comunicação Humana pela Universidade Federal de São
Paulo. Docente do Curso de
Fonoaudiologia da Faculdade de
Odontologia de Bauru - Universidade de São Paulo.
***Pesquisa Realizada na Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru da
Univversidade de São Paulo.
Artigo de Pesquisa
Artigo Submetido a Avaliação por Pares
Conflito de Interesse: não
Recebido em 26.05.2006.
Revisado em 29.09.2006; 10.03.2007.
Aceito para Publicação em 10.03.2007.
Background: the perception of dysphonia and the impact of vocal alteration on life quality. Aim: to verify if the interference of dysphonia on life quality is related to the vocal self-perception of dysphonic individuals and to the perception members of the community have about the vocal pleasantness of these individuals. Methods: 31 dysphonic adults, prior to treatment, filled out the Voice
Related Quality of Life (V-RQOL) protocol that analyzes the impact of dysphonia on life quality.
These individuals were also asked to comment about their self-perception of vocal quality. Recordings of the sustained "a" vowel and number counting from one to ten were made, using a digital system in an acoustic treated environment. The recorded material was presented to 25 judges, with no training in vocal perception, so that they could classify the voices according to the same scale used by the dysphonic individuals when commenting about their own voices. Results: according to Spearman's test, a statistically