The science of getting rich

24023 palavras 97 páginas
“The Science of Getting Rich” written by Wallace D. Wattles was first published in 1910 by Elizabeth Towne Publishing New York.
The original text is now in public domain.
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A note from Rhonda Byrne, creator and executive producer of
‘The Secret’.
Less tha n tw o years ago, at a time in my life when I was facing challenges from every direction – business, relati ons hips, family, you name it – I stumbled a cross this book. Or, to be more a ccura te, IT stumbled across me! I ca n hones tly say tha t, since that first night w hen a ta ttered printed transcript found its way to me (thanks to one of my daug hters), my li fe has never been the same. O nce you read it yours elf, you will understa nd w hy. And “why” was the question I had been asking mys elf. Why are there people w ho seem to attra ct unlimi ted wealth i nto their li ves, w hile others, equally as capa ble or ta lented or w orthy, suffer from poverty and lack? As you’ll discover when you work your way through this wonderful li ttle book, i t has nothi ng to do with education, sta tus , talent, environment, i ntellectual abi lity, physi cal prow ess, or g eography.
Wallace Wattles explai ns, i n simple, straig htforward lang uage, how ANYO NE, regardless of their ba ckground or ci rcumsta nces, ca n attract wea lth into their lives. The openi ng s entence of C hapter 1 of this ti meless li ttle masterpiece says it all:
“Wh atever may b e said in praise o f poverty, the fact remai ns that it i s no t possible to li ve a really complete or successful life unless o ne is rich.”
And once I had read it a nd i nternali zed its si mple


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