Palavras-Chaves: Ômega 3, Ácidos graxos, líquidos, processamento.
The aim of this paper was to evaluate the issue of nutritional amount of sardines, highlighting the Omega 3 and its composition in the coverage of liquid soybean oil, tomato sauce and herb sauce. The percentage content of EPA and DHA fatty acids in soybean oil as a liquid medium ranging from 463 mg to 355mg respectively. To cover the tomato sauce results indicated that the migration was less EPA and DHA higher than soybean oil. The percentages found were 80 mg and 390 mg respectively. To cover with herbs EPA was average for the two mentioned above and the DHA was almost equal to the tomato sauce. The indicated percentages were respectively 204 mg and 84 mg. The Omega 3 has a higher amount in soybean oil and canned lesser extent in the herbs. The results indicated that there were differences in the quantity