Resolução boyce cap. i
Chapter One
Section 1.1
For C "Þ& , the slopes are negative, and hence the solutions decrease. For C "Þ& , the slopes are positive, and hence the solutions increase. The equilibrium solution appears to be Ca>b œ "Þ& , to which all other solutions converge.
For C "Þ& , the slopes are :9=3tive, and hence the solutions increase. For C "Þ&
, the slopes are negative, and hence the solutions decrease. All solutions appear to diverge away from the equilibrium solution Ca>b œ "Þ& .
For C "Î# , the slopes are :9=3tive, and hence the solutions increase. For
C "Î# , the slopes are negative, and hence the solutions decrease. All solutions diverge away from
page 1
—————————————————————————— CHAPTER 1. —— the equilibrium solution Ca>b œ "Î# .
For C # , the slopes are :9=3tive, and hence the solutions increase. For C # , the slopes are negative, and hence the solutions decrease. All solutions diverge away from the equilibrium solution Ca>b œ # .
8. For all solutions to approach the equilibrium solution Ca>b œ #Î$ , we must have
C w ! for C #Î$ , and C w ! for C #Î$ . The required rates are satisfied by the differential equation C w œ # $C .
9. For solutions other than Ca>b œ # to diverge from C œ # , C a>b must be an increasing function for C # , and a decreasing function for C # . The simplest differential equation whose solutions satisfy these criteria is C w œ C # .
10. For solutions other than Ca>b œ "Î$ to diverge from C œ "Î$ , we must have C w ! for C "Î$ , and C w ! for C "Î$ . The required rates are satisfied by the differential equation C w œ $C " .
Note that C w œ ! for C œ ! and C œ & . The two equilibrium solutions are C a>b œ ! and
Ca>b œ & . Based on the direction field, C w ! for C & ; thus solutions with initial