ULTRASOUND APPLICATIONS IN ELECTROCHEMICAL SYSTEMS: THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ASPECTS. The aim of this review is to present and discuss the applications of ultrasound in electrochemical systems such as in sonoelectroanalysis and sonoelectrolysis for the electrochemical combustion of organic compounds. Initially, theoretical and experimental aspects are discussed, particularly those related to the enhancement of mass transport and the surface cleaning effects. Some results are included to illustrate alternative geometries for the experimental measurements and the working electrodes used in these systems. In the sequence, the available publications are presented and discussed to demonstrate that ultrasound combined with electrochemical techniques is a powerful set-up for the detection of analytes such as metals and/or organic compounds in hostile media and for the effective destruction of toxic organic substances. At the end, a table summarizes the results already published in the literature. Keywords: ultrasound; electroanalysis; electrolysis.
INTRODUÇÃO Os benefícios do ultra-som em processos eletroquímicos têm sido bastante relatados e explorados na literatura1-5. Os trabalhos de revisão encontrados relatam aspectos teóricos do efeito do ultrasom em experimentos eletroquímicos e mostram a aplicação destes sistemas na análise de metais em água (eletrólito suporte) e em amostras complexas. Entretanto, nada foi relatado a respeito da detecção sonoeletroanalítica de compostos orgânicos, que apresentam uma forte interação com as diferentes superfícies eletródicas. Adicionalmente, outra questão que