Qualidade de vida e saude
Qualidade de vida e saúde: aspectos conceituais e metodológicos
Quality of life and health: conceptual and methodological issues
Eliane Maria Fl e u ry Seidl 1
Célia Maria Lana da Costa Zannon
1 Instituto de Ps i c o l o g i a ,
Un i versidade de Bra s í l i a ,
Bra s í l i a , Bra s i l .
C o r re s p o n d ê n c i a
Eliane Maria Fl e u ry Se i d l
Instituto de Ps i c o l o g i a ,
Un i versidade de Bra s í l i a .
Campus Un i versitário
Da rcy Ribeiro, Bra s í l i a , DF
7 0 9 1 0 - 9 0 0 , Bra s i l . s e i d l @ u n b. b r
The quality of life (QL) concept has led to extensive scientific research and has been increasingly used by health care professionals treating a wide range of diseases. This paper addresses the historical use of the concept and specific issues linked to conceptual and methodological aspects of the QL construct within the health care c o n t ex t . Re v i ewing the litera t u re , two aspects stand out: subjectivity and multidimensionality. In the methodological field, the construction and/or adaptation of QL measurement instruments appear as a significant trend.Theoretical and methodological efforts have helped clarify and improve the concept’s adequacy. The QL construct is definitely interdisciplinary, encompassing contributions by different areas of knowledge and re s e a rc h ,t h e re by improving its conceptual and methodological potential as a re s e a rch instrument. T h e re f o re , use of the concept can actually help improve both the quality and the integrated, multidimensional nature of health care from a perspective that views the latter as a basic citizen’s right.
O conceito qualidade de vida (QV ) é um termo utilizado em duas vertentes: (1) na linguagem cotidiana, por pessoas da população em geral, jornalistas, políticos, profissionais de diversas á reas e gestores ligados às políticas públicas;
(2) no contexto da pesquisa