
4099 palavras 17 páginas

Life cannot consist of dreams alone: reflections on advertising and a healthy diet

Andréa Siliveste Brasil Villagelim 1
Shirley Donizete Prado 1
Ricardo Ferreira Freitas 2
Maria Claudia da Veiga Soares Carvalho 1
Claudia Olsieski da Cruz 1
Juliana Klotz 1
Gesseldo de Brito Freire 1


Programa de PósGraduação em Alimentação
Nutrição e Saúde, Instituto de Nutrição, Núcleo de
Estudos sobre Cultura e
Alimentação, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
Rua São Francisco Xavier
524/12.007 Bloco D,
Maracanã. 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro RJ. 2
Programa de PósGraduação em
Comunicação, Faculdade de
Comunicação Social,
Centro de Educação e
Universidade do Estado do
Rio de Janeiro.

Abstract In this essay we present some thoughts on advertising and a healthy diet in the contemporary world, where consumption plays a highly relevant role. We seek to emphasize two aspects, among many others yet to be explored in the scientific literature in the food and nutritional field: the hegemony of the biomedical paradigm and the fragmentation of human life when advertising campaigns associate food with the idea of a healthy diet. We believe that we cannot merely live through advertisements in which our desires are triggered constantly and where the world is only dreams and the main goal is to sell more and earn more, even using some strategies for dissemination of biomedical and nutritional information. In our opinion, the merger between diet and health, i.e. a healthy diet, must involve enlightenment of the individual including information on quality in the context of social life in order to achieve the ideal of happiness. Individuals whose identities are fully formed both in dreams and reality can boldly seek knowledge and think about themselves in the world context, as well as zeal for their diet and health.
Key words Feeding habits, Healthy diet, Communication, Advertising, Consumption,


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