Pirataria na navegação
Comex 5º ciclo.
The modern piracy
Piracy in sailing lately is becoming a problem of global level. Pirates attack routes worldwide. Causing fear in the crew, and cause great financial damage, not only for companies in the field, but even indirectly for all of us. Major international bodies, and most influential countries are meeting to discuss this problem and what is the best solution. Most of these attacks happen the coast of Somalia, or the most dangerous place to surf. And this army of thugs is expanded, becoming more organized and efficient. New attacks appear close to the poorest countries, showing that piracy, and the flight of the populace of these countries to end the misery
Even knowing that the world be on a constant growth, the starvation, the poverty and inequality and others problems, made with this people more underprivileged find our self solutions.
One of them is piracy of navigation, an old ideology that after many years back in a way more ruffianly and modern. Through of new technologies and the immensurable advance of international trade.
The fact is that the world is finding solutions and the piracy is one of answer to more “weak”, however is necessary give proper importance for this subject and find ways to solve this trouble.
The maritime piracy today.
For who think that pirates, robberies to ships were in the past or is things movies, is completely wrong. Now a days they not use more eye flick neither wooden leg and swords, thay are more smart and equipped.
After his ascension, between 1650 to 1720, with the end of the Cold Warand the reduction of patrol, it was believed it was the end, that will not exist more pirates, but this facts followed of increase international maritime trade, did they reborn better organized and efficient.
And attacks back to had our high point in year of 2000, although until 2004 this attacks is falling, until with warming of international