Pessoas com deficiência e politica de saúde no brasil
Pessoas com deficiência e políticas de saúde no Brasil: reflexões bioéticas Persons with disabilities and Brazilian healthcare policies: thoughts about bioethics
Liliane Cristina Gonçalves Bernardes 1 Izabel Maria Madeira de Loureiro Maior 1,2 Carlos Humberto Spezia 3 Tereza Cristina Cavalcanti Ferreira de Araujo 4
Coordenadoria Nacional para Integração da Pessoa Portadora de Deficiência, Secretaria Especial dos Direitos Humanos, Presidência da República. Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco T/Anexo II/210. 70064-900 Brasília DF. 2 Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. 3 Secretaria de Gestão do Trabalho e Educação na Saúde, Ministério da Saúde. 4 Universidade de Brasília (UnB).
Abstract The purpose of this article is to analyze the dilemma of allocation of public funds to the healthcare of people with disabilities in Brazil from a bioethical standpoint. The concept of disability and the legal framework are presented; the question of budgetary constraints and theoretical bioethics references about this issue are discussed; and the role of Bioethics of Protection and Bioethics of Intervention is stressed. It is concluded that, because of their vulnerability, people with disabilities should be protected by the state and funds must be allocated to guarantee their access to healthcare services. However, in spite of the existing legal basis, the actual destination of public funds to people with disabilities still depends on other factors, among others social and political participation of the disabled persons themselves in the negotiation of healthcare policies. Key words Bioethics, Persons with disabilities, Allocation of funds, Healthcare policies
Resumo O artigo propõe reflexões, à luz da bioética, acerca do dilema da alocação de recursos públicos para a assistência à saúde das pessoas com deficiência no Brasil. Para tanto, o conceito de deficiência e o marco legal brasileiro