Universidade de Aveiro, Maio de 2011
Música e Dança: percebendo os elementos que constituem uma estrutura rítmica
Isabel Costa Willadino
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Abstract
This study analyzes a didactic sequence focused on the learning of rhythmic fundamental basis developed with Physical Education students from UFRGS (Federal University of the State of Rio
Grande do Sul, Brazil). The activities aimed at making the student sensitive to the importance of rhythm associated with movement, as a source for body control, space-time coordination and auditory acuity, which are fundamental to their future teaching practice. The technical literature considers rhythmic freedom versus metric awareness (Heller, 2003); dance as a knowledge field able to contribute to build one’s own body perception (TAUBE, 1997). The pedagogic work is based on Tardif (2005). Communication will be able to contribute for de interdisciplinary debate on Music and Dance for the formation of Teachers.
Key-words: Music and dance, teaching-learning; perception and movement.
Ao ingressar no curso de Educação Física da Universidade Federal do Rio
Grande do Sul, tanto os alunos que optam pela Licenciatura quanto os que escolhem o Bacharelado deparam-se com a disciplina Análise e Expressão
Rítmica1, de caráter obrigatório, da qual desconhecem o conteúdo.
A disciplina visa sensibilizar o aluno para atividades rítmicas associadas a movimentos elementares, procurando fazê-los reconhecer os valores positivos
A disciplina Análise e