Miastenia gravis

3758 palavras 16 páginas
Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2001;59(3-B):681-685

Maria da Penha A. Morita1, Alberto A. Gabbai1, Acary S.B. Oliveira1, Audrey S. Penn2
ABSTRACT - Myasthenia gravis (MG) in childhood is rare comprising 10 to 20 % of all myasthenic patients. We studied 18 patients with MG whose first symptoms started from 1 to 12 years of age, followed at the Department of Neurology of the UNI.ESP-EPM, from January 1983 to August 1997. There were 10 girls and 8 boys (1.2:1). Eleven patients (61%) presented moderate or severe generalized disease and 4 (22%) had at least one myasthenic crisis. EMG with supramaximal repetitive nerve stimulation was diagnostic in 8 (47%) out of 17 patients, and chest CT was normal in 14 patients. Seropositivity to acetylcholine receptor antibodies was found in 81.6% (9 out of 11 tested) and the levels had no relation to clinical severity. Nine out of 16 patients (56%) worsened with pyridostigmine alone and were treated with prednisone. .our out of those nine continued worsening despite steroids and were subjected to thymectomy (all showed thymic lymphoid follicular hyperplasia). Three patients (75%) improved markedly after thymectomy and one (25%) worsened, eventually getting better with intravenous immunoglobulin and oral azathioprine. MG treatment, using all resources available, has to be individualized for each child. KEY WORDS: myasthenia gravis, child. Miastenia gravis na infância: estudo de 18 pacientes RESUMO - A miastenia gravis (MG) em crianças é rara e perfaz 10 a 20% dos pacientes com a doença. Relatamos 18 pacientes cujo início dos sintomas ocorreu até os 12 anos de idade, acompanhados na Disciplina de Neurologia da UNI.ESP-EPM de janeiro de 1983 a agosto de 1997. Eram 10 meninas e 8 meninos (1,2:1,0). Doença generalizada moderada ou grave ocorreu em 11 crianças (61%) e 4 (22%) tiveram pelo menos uma crise miastênica. A eletroneuromiografia com estimulação repetitiva foi diagnóstica em 8 (47%)


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