
426 palavras 2 páginas
Elementary 2 – Review of Lessons 14 and 15

1. Put the following sentences in the negative form:

a) My grandparents have a cute dog.

b) I have a boyfriend/girlfriend.

c) David and Sally have a beautiful ranch.

d) Sarah and Linda have German friends.

e) They have a sale in the electronics department.

f) My parents have an excellent restaurant across the street.

g) I have a store next to the theater.

2. Put the following sentences in the interrogative form.

a) You have a nice ranch.

b) My grandparents have some German Friends.

c) Peter and Bob have a lot of Greek books.

d) Your parents have beautiful nieces.

e) My nephews have some portable TVs.

f) They have some teabags in the fridge.

g) They have good washing machines in that store.

3. Use the verb “To have” in appropriate form.

a) I __________ a nice polka-dot blouse. (Aff.)
b) My parents _____________ a ranch in Arizona. (Neg.)
c) ______ Katy and Bob __________ any nieces and nephews? (Int.)
d) My grandparents ______________ a washing machine at home. (Neg.)
e) They ____________ good food in that Greek place. (Neg.)
f) ________ you _________ a girlfriend? (Int.)
g) My parents ____________ some tea bags at home. (Aff.)
h) I ________ ___________ any portable TV sets at home. (Neg.)
i) We _______ a lot of nieces and nephews. (Aff.)

4. Complete with ALSO, TOO or EITHER.

a) My parents don’t have a ranch and my grandparents don’t have a


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