Palavras – chaves: Educando, jogos, lazer, brincadeiras, desenvolvimento.
This article presents a reflection on the need to work concurrently fun and games coupled with the learning process and interactivity and entertainment in the school, extending over the whole school community, family and the student experience. Addressing situations of how and why the student faces difficulties and problems of interaction and learning by a number of students of the 3rd year C Municipal School Professor Dulce Lopes de Oliveira Mota. Searching from guidelines on how to use and work address parameter of this work with games and activities for the purpose of bringing these students to their full development, interactive, cognitive, psychomotor locomotor, perceptual, sociological, leveraging the various areas of knowledge, especially in the area of relationships and social interactions, affective, emotional child and adolescent.
Keywords - Key: Educating, games, leisure, play, development.
Introdução Os jogos e brincadeiras são considerados