Instruments of change Non-routine Unique Composed of inter-dependent activities Carried out by people who don’t normally work together Temporary with defined start and end dates Intended to achieve a specific outcome Frequently risky and involving uncertainties Many of you may already be ‘accidental project managers’ who carry out many of the activities outlined here but view it as simply ‘getting things done’ whilst recognising that you also rely heavily on luck, perseverance and strength of will. What we are offering is a structured approach and a set of tools that help you to ‘get things done better – MULLALY, M.E. ‘THE ACCIDENTAL PROJECT MANAGER: COMING IN FROM THE COLD’, 2003
There is no magic formula for ensuring that a project is successful, but there are well proven techniques available to help plan and manage projects. No one need feel daunted at taking on their first project – project management is not a ‘black art’, nor does it need to be a minefield of jargon and bureaucracy. Most of project management is plain, common sense and a lot of what we describe is simply a structured approach to what you would do instinctively. Project management gives you a framework – at certain points it prompts you to take a step back