Flor de feltro digital
These directions are for Photoshop, but they should work in PSE as well. Step 1: Open a .PSD file for one of the flowers. Pick your background color and add a color fill layer on top of the flower layer. Duplicate the flower layer, place it above the color fill layer.
Change the blending mode to linear light.
By Chelle's Creations
How Did She Do That: Rolled Felt Flowers Copyright 2010 Rachelle Ludwinski 1
Step 2: You will notice that the flower is lighter than the background. Because we are going for a darker rose, we need to adjust the levels of the linear light flower layer. In this case slide the slider arrow to the right until the flower color matches the color fill layer. (If you were trying for a lighter flower, you would adjust it to the left until it matched.)
Step 3: Now the rose is dark enough, but it’s not quite saturated enough. Add a saturation adjustment layer to the top of the layer stack and increase the saturation just a bit so it looks like this flower was made with dark red felt.
How Did She Do That: Rolled Felt Flowers Copyright 2010 Rachelle Ludwinski 2
Step 4: Now go back and clip the layers together. So the red color fill doesn’t fill the background. Note: we waited until this step to clip them so that we could better match the flower to the color.
Merge visible layers and you are finished. Or you could be. But if you wanted to add a pearl cluster middle… Step 5: Add 3 copies of the light pearls. Line them up carefully, slightly spinning each pearl so they don’t appear to be identical. Merge those three layers, THEN colorize the pearls anyway you wish. I added a hue saturation layer to do this.
How Did She Do That: Rolled Felt Flowers Copyright 2010 Rachelle Ludwinski 3
Step 6: In the real world,