The State of the Sustainable Art an international benchmark of sustainable urban development
Bibliographical Data
Chris Roorda (DRIFT), Marc Buiter (Urgenda), Jan Rotmans (DRIFT),
Marit Bentvelzen (DRIFT), Nico Tillie (TU Delft), Rachel Keeton (INTI)
Urban Development: the State of the Sustainable Art, an international benchmark of sustainable urban development.
Commissioned by: the municipality of Almere, the City Manifest 2.01, the province Flevoland and the Ministry of Infrastructure & Environment
Place, date:
Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (DRIFT), Erasmus University
Rotterdam, May 2011
Urban development / Cities / Sustainable development / International benchmark / Sustainable urban development / Best practices / Frontrunners / Policy / Governance
Further information on this study can be obtained from Chris Roorda (DRIFT) or Marc Buiter
© Copyright 2011, DRIFT, Rotterdam. All right reserved.
Cover: The Smaragd (“Emerald”) building, Almere. Photo by Marc Slingerland
Layout and cover design by Nabble, Utrecht
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The City Manifest 2.0 (or in Dutch: ‘Stadsmanifest 2.0’) is a manifest in which a large number of local and regional NGO’s, public organizations and businesses in 2009 confirmed their support for the draft vision of the municipality on the future development of Almere as described in the Concept Structure Vision Almere 2.0.
Urban Development:
The State of the Sustainable Art an international benchmark of sustainable urban development
Table of contents
Executive summary
Chapter 5