Enterprise modeling
The use of models for representation of the enterprise has origin in the modeling of information systems, using different views. Examples of this use are the Entity-Relationship diagrams for representing the information view, and later system architecture methods such as CIMOSA , which integrate several views, giving the necessary constructs for the representation of each of the views.
Currently, several techniques are used for enterprise modeling, at several levels. General purpose modeling languages, such as UML, are used for the representation of different views of the enterprise, may it be the process view, which can be represented using UML Activity Diagrams, or the information view, which might make use of UML Class Diagrams, among others. Other modeling languages/notations are specially directed towards a specific modeling purpose: the Business Process Modeling Language (BPMN) is mainly used for producing models for the process view of an enterprise. Other notations can be used for representing the referred views, so choosing one of the techniques may depend on analyzing several factors, for example, the addressee of the view, the level of detail of the model, the purpose of the representation, etc.
Archimate defines an architectural framework, as well as a modeling language for enterprise architecture. Design and Engineering Methodologies for Organizations (DEMO) focuses on the communication between people through transactional modeling of the business processes of the