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Kiran Garimella Michael Lees Bruce Williams

Software AG is the world’s largest independent provider of Business Infrastructure Software. Our 4,000 global customers achieve measurable business results by modernizing and automating their IT systems and rapidly building new systems and processes to meet growing business demands. Our industry-leading product portfolio includes best-in-class solutions for managing data, enabling service oriented architecture, and improving business processes. By combining proven technology with industry expertise and best practices, our customers improve and differentiate their businesses – faster. Software AG – Get There Faster

BPM Basics For Dummies
BPM Fundamentals Adaptive and flexible processes End-to-end process visibility and control Automation of standard, repeatable processes Process performance simulation and optimization Role-focused composite applications


BPM Approach
Measure First – Then Improve

1. Identify business objectives and select Key Performance Indicators. 2. Measure where you are now. 3. Determine what’s working and what isn’t. 4. Fix and improve problem areas. 5. Calculate value creation — and celebrate!

Functional Modules of BPM

Measurement: Real-time process visibility Portals: Integrated views of the work environment Modeling: Integrated representation of business and system processes and human workflow Metadata: Reference library of IT and process assets Simulation: What-if studies of a process model Analysis: Graphical and statistical studies of process performance Integration: Connectivity of people, information, services, systems, and processes Execution: Orchestration of processes in real time
Defining “Process”






Suppliers – Input – Process – Output – Customers

Suppliers: Each of the


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